KNIME Server demo: discover how to leverage the web portal for better collaboration (REPLAY)

🚀 See how KNIME Server enables automation and collaboration, to take your data preparation needs to the next level
Learn how to manage your analytics at scale with KNIME Server. Find out how you can collaborate, automate, manage and deploy all your data workflows easily and securely, across your team and organisation.
During this webinar, we will step into the role of an analyst and learn how to leverage KNIME’s web portal to automate and share workflows, enabling quick decision-making at a business level.
We will show you a comprehensive overview of KNIME Server, how to best take advantage of the platform and of course answer any questions you might have.
>>Â Sharing & collaboration
>>Â Scheduling & automating workflows
>>Â Security & governance
KNIME is designed to provide fast, simple and interactive access to data prep and data science, allowing companies to embrace innovation.
KNIMEÂź Analytics Platform is the solution to explore the potential of your data, to easily create workflows to prepare, clean, and enrich your data, to obtain insights for stronger analysis.
KNIME is unique with a global community gathering more than 60 countries using the solution.
End to End Data Science
KNIME build software to create and productionize data science using one easy and intuitive environment, enabling every stakeholder in the data science process to focus on what they do best.
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- Hi, I'm a digital marketing fashionista ! I'm passionate about covering topics like big data, business intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. SEO for the sake of Google đ
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